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Gamelan Suite
for Solo Guitar

Composed in 2019

Premiered at the Canadian Music Centre's Class Axe Workshop by James Renwick. Recording by Francois Lacelle.

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase:

Price: $10 CAD

For Trombone and Marimba
Composed 2020

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase.

Price: $10 CAD

Scurrying Gongs
for Solo Piano

Composed in 2020

Honorable mention, Iranian Canadian Composers of Toronto (ICOT) Call for Scores

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase:

Price: $10 CAD


Nocturne Dance
for Carillon Duet

Composed 2019

Special Jury Mention, in the "Perpignan Carillon Composition Competition 2019", France.

Published with American Carillon Music Editions.

Click here to Purchase score from
American Carillon Music Editions

Itsuki Lullaby
Japanese Traditional Song Arranged for Carillon

Composed 2019

1st Place, 2020 Sally Slade Warner Arrangements & Transcriptions Competition, Guild of Carillonneurs of North America

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase.

Price: $10 CAD

Bell Chant
for Solo Carillon

Composed 2019

Honorable Mention, Iowa State University Carillon Composition Competition, 2019

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase.

Price: $10 CAD

"Cheers!" was commissioned by Indiana University in 2021 to mark the formation of its first carillon studio.

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase.

Price: $10 CAD

Light of the Moon
for Flute and Marimba

Composed 2017

Purchase the PDF of the score now at the button below. Make sure to click "Return to Merchant" after purchase.

Price: $10 CAD

KU ~空~
for Soprano, Tenor, Vibraphone, Cello, and Double Bass

Composed 2016


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